Exit Rate vs. Bounce Rate, Explained.

At a glance

To understand the difference between Exit Rate and Bounce Rate for a particular page, keep the following points in mind:

  1. For all pageviews to the page, Exit Rate is the percentage that were the last in the session.
  2. For all sessions that start with the page, Bounce Rate is the percentage that were the only one of the session.
  3. Bounce Rate for a page is based only on sessions that start with that page.  

In depth

Let's clarify this last point with a simple example. Your site has pages A through C, and only one session per day exists, with the following pageview order:

  • Monday: Page A > Page B > Page C
  • Tuesday: Page B > Page A > Page C
  • Wednesday: Page A > exit

The Content report for Page A would show 3 pageviews and a 50% bounce rate.  You might have guessed that the Bounce Rate would be 33%, but the Tuesday pageview granted to Page A is not considered in its Bounce Rate calculation. Consider that a bounce is the notion of a session with only one interaction from the user, and the session-centric analysis answers a simple yes/no question: "Did this session contain more than one pageview?" If the answer to that question is "no," then it's important to consider which page was involved in the bounce.  If the answer is "yes," then it only matters that the initial page in the session lead to other pageviews.  For that reason, bounce rate for a page is only meaningful when it initiates the session.

Now let's extend this example to explore the Exit rate and Bounce rate metrics for a series of single-session days on your site.

  • Monday: Page B > Page A > Page C
  • Tuesday:  Page B > Exit
  • Wednesday:  Page A > Page C > Page B
  • Thursday:  Page C > Exit
  • Friday: Page B > Page C > Page A

The % Exit and Bounce Rate calculations are:

Exit Rate

  • Page A: 33% (3 of 5 sessions included Page A)
  • Page B: 50% (4 of 5 sessions included Page B)
  • Page C: 50% (4 of 5 sessions included Page C)

Bounce Rate:

  • Page A: 0% (one session began with Page A, but that was not a single-page session, so it has no Bounce Rate)
  • Page B: 33% (Bounce Rate is less than Exit Rate, because 3 sessions started with Page B, with one leading to a bounce)
  • Page C: 100% (one session started with Page C, and it lead to a bounce)

Source: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2525491?hl=en


Helping users find mobile-friendly pages.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 (Original post date)
Webmaster level: All

Have you ever tapped on a Google Search result on your mobile phone, only to find yourself looking at a page where the text was too small, the links were tiny, and you had to scroll sideways to see all the content? This usually happens when the website has not been optimized to be viewed on a mobile phone.

This can be a frustrating experience for our mobile searchers. Starting today, to make it easier for people to find the information that they’re looking for, we’re adding a “mobile-friendly” label to our mobile search results.

This change will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks. A page is eligible for the “mobile-friendly” label if it meets the following criteria as detected by Googlebot:

  • Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
  • Uses text that is readable without zooming
  • Sizes content to the screen so users don't have to scroll horizontally or zoom
  • Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped

If you want to make sure that your page meets the mobile-friendly criteria: 

The tools and documentation above are currently available in English. They will be available in additional languages within the next few weeks.

We see these labels as a first step in helping mobile users to have a better mobile web experience. We are also experimenting with using the mobile-friendly criteria as a ranking signal.

Original source: Posted by Ryoichi Imaizumi and Doantam Phan, Google Mobile Search



Social Media Management for Your Business

Managing your social media cannot only be confusing but also a full-time job. Modern Marketing Media will help you setup and manage your social media, in a way that will benefit your business and it's growth. Social media will not only help improve your search engine optimization, but also make your business recognized and shared by others in more circles. 

In most cases, we can even integrate your social media pages so they are directly interactive with your website. Social media integration can allow any updates to your website or news feeds to be displayed live on all of your social media pages. We will also add links on your website to all of your social media pages so consumers can easily access them.

Social media accounts for a majority of total web browsing, whether it's from a desk top or mobile device. When managed properly, social media can be a strong platform for marketing and advertising. Your business can be promoted through social media by both paid and free options, and both can be very effective, again if managed properly. Modern Marketing Media can manage your social media in a way that best fits your business needs and budget. Don't miss out on the massive world of networking, marketing, and advertising through the power of social media. 



Google Gives Boost to Mobile-Friendly Sites

Google tweaks search algorithm to favor sites that look good on smartphone screens.

April 21, 2015 7:47 p.m. ET

Google said it tweaked its algorithm for mobile searches to favor sites that look good on smartphone screens, and penalize sites with content that is too wide for a phone screen and text and links that are too small.

Given Google’s importance in driving traffic to websites, some in the industry dubbed the change “mobilegeddon.” Google updates its algorithm frequently, but this is considered by some experts to be its most significant change in years. In an unprecedented move, Google warned website operators in February that the change was coming, and gave them tips on how to prepare.

The change is also important for Google. A company executive said at a conference last year that searches from mobile devices were poised to surpass searches on personal computers.

“As people increasingly search on their mobile devices, we want to make sure they can find content that’s not only relevant and timely, but also easy to read and interact with on smaller mobile screens,” a Google spokeswoman said.

In a blog post Tuesday, Google said it had seen a 5 percentage point increase in the proportion of sites that are “mobile friendly” since its February announcement. The spokeswoman declined to specify the percentage of sites that are mobile friendly.

The change isn’t simple for sites to roll out, since they must change all of their website’s pages to optimize them for smartphone screens.

Research firm Searchmetrics said Zillow and Indeed saw a boost in their search rankings recently. Searchmetrics said Google may have started testing its new algorithm before Tuesday.

Jeremy Wacksman, vice president of marketing and product management at Zillow, said the real-estate information site has long designed new features with mobile devices primarily in mind, because roughly 70% of its traffic comes from mobile devices. Indeed didn’t return requests for comment.

The government’s preparedness for Google’s change varies. While the IRS website fails Google’s test for “mobile friendliness,” FEMA.gov and Healthcare.gov get passing grades.

One thing is clear, it's going to be critical that businesses start jumping on the mobile friendly bandwagon if they don't want to be left behind in the world of internet searches.




The Value of a Website Strategy

By: Gabriel Shaoolian

Posted: 12/15/2015 4:31 pm EST Updated: 12/15/2015 4:59 pm EST  

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gabriel-shaoolian/the-value-of-a-website-strategy_b_8807554.html 

Whenever clients interested in creating a website come into our digital agency, I always tell them the same thing. Before you can jump into design, before you can jump into development, and before you can jump into information architecture, you first have to start with a website strategy. This element is essential to completing a website with a high conversion rate that produces results for your business.

Finding a happy medium between aesthetics and functionality can be difficult, and discovering the best way to do so while generating the results desired by your brand is even harder. A cohesive strategy allows you to focus on the business objectives at hand, and develop the best plan possible to achieve them. Whether its innovative tactics or traditional approaches, a strategy is a preliminary step that allows designers, developers, UX specialists, and information architects to create something that will provide your brand with a valuable online presence.

Why Does A Strategy Matter?
So, what is it about a strategy that makes it such an important element of website design? Why does it really matter? If you think about it logically, a website in itself is a marketing tool, and if it's designed and developed correctly it can be an incredibly powerful one. A website's job is to communicate with the user when they visit, providing information that tells the potential customer how the brand can fulfill their needs -- and it must be done in just a few seconds before interest is lost. While great design and development are necessary for a company's website to succeed, those elements don't provide you with messaging, which is how you convey your value proposition. Simply put, without a strategy, you may create a great website, but it likely won't do what you want it to do for your business. 


To read the full article click here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gabriel-shaoolian/the-value-of-a-website-strategy_b_8807554.html 

Modern Marketing Media

Modern Marketing Media


Website Design by Modern Marketing Media

Website Design

Modern Marketing Media was created to provide businesses with up-to-date website design, that's compatible with all media platforms such as computers, phones and tablets.  In addition, we'll also help you to be 'seen' on the web by improving your search engine optimization (SEO), moving you up the search results rankings. Just as important, we'll also help you setup and manage your social media pages and content. 

Whether you want a personal website, a fully functional retail site, or something in between, we can design a custom site to fit your needs. We can also rebuild your current website, keeping it up to date and maintaining your current media and content.

If your website isn't setup specifically for mobile browsing, you're missing out on thousands of potential customers. Today over 80% of consumers use their mobile devices to shop and browse the web. If you're website isn't up to date and fully mobile ready, you're sure to be losing a very large customer base. Without mobile optimization your website may not even be recognized properly in search results, making it harder for consumers to find you.

We offer website hosting/management for as low as $29/month, contact us now for price quotes. We have multiple options that make our services affordable for all personal and business needs, whether big or small. All you need is an idea, and you can get started today.


Modern Marketing Media

